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Butterfly Journal
Amber Habib

My interest in butterflies dates to a year spent at the Indian Statistical Institute, on the outskirts of Bangalore. When Abha and I went looking for birds, we also came across a colourful variety of butterflies. Particularly dramatic were the Roses and the Blue Tigers. Then there was the Atlas Moth (with a six inch wingspan, and wingtips that mimic a snake's head) that died in our hallway. On one walk I managed to take close-up photographs of a resting Common Leopard and then of a Tawny Coster, thus discovering that butterflies are much more permissive of close approach than birds. We looked for material on Indian butterflies and moths and found just enough to pursue our new hobby in a more systematic way.

We did not find much information on the web - while there are many butterfly/moth sites, there is no systematic account of Indian species or their behaviour. So I started a website of my own, and at present this has pictures of about 70 species. This journal is intended to add some natural history to the site - details of butterflies seen with location, numbers, and behaviour.

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May and June 2003
April 2003
March 2003